Thursday, January 25, 2007

ChenHsiao’s Writing Goal for 2007

Goal 1- This year I will try to evaluate my own writing after finishing writing.
Method: I will look my writings few times over again to find some mistakes and fix the mistakes. Also, I will find my weaknesses in writing to improve my writing skills.

Goal 2- This year I will try to use lots of kinds of sentence structures in the writing.
Method: I will not only use same kind of sentence structure over and over again to make the writing boring. Moreover, I will not make sentences too long or too short to make the sentences boring or not give enough information.

Goal 3- This year I will practice to get a habit of use many things to help me to spell words when I am not sure how to spell a word.
Method: I will try to always use dictionary and other resources to help to spell words during the writing. Also, I will memorize more words, so that I can use in the writing and not wasting time by finding words in the dictionary.

Goal 4- This year I will use more sources to gather information for research topics.
Method: I will use news articles, magazine articles, documentaries, and many other things to gather correct information for research topics. After find information in the many articles or other things, I will try my best to change the information to my own words.

Goal 5- This year I will be more care about the organization part in the writing.
Method: I will try to put sentences in the right place to make the readers to easy to read and make picture in their minds.

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